[TYPO3-dam] DAM + Postgres: Remove DAM-References from media field does not work

Andreas Balzer typo3 at andreas-balzer.de
Thu Mar 13 00:00:21 CET 2008

Hello Christian,
Christian Trabold schrieb:
> we encountered a strange behavior while storing and deleting 
> DAM-Elements from Media-Field:
> 1) Everytime the Content-Element gets saved a new MM-Ref gets stored in 
> tx_dam_mm_ref.

> 2) After removing the DAM-Reference from Media-Field and saving the 
> Content-Element, the References are still there.

> This only happens on the Postgres-Environment - on MySQL everything 
> works all fine.
Can you please create a new bug report on bugs.typo3.org? We also try to 
test with Postgres. If our developpers with postgres environements are 
not able to do the testing, could you provide a test environement for 
your problem?

Andreas Balzer

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