[TYPO3-dam] Search String - not able to use more than one search word?

Martin Holtz typo3ng_2008 at martinholtz.de
Tue Dec 16 14:11:07 CET 2008


is it correct, that it is not possible to search for more than one
search word?

What would you say for an syntax like:

1) OR: one of them
searchword1 searchword2

2) AND: both searchwords
searchword1 +searchword2

3) NOT: must not have searchword2
searchword1 -searchword2

4) Combined:
searchword1 searchword2 +searchword3 -searchword4 searchword5

would lead to
(searchword1 OR searchword2 or searchword5)
AND searchword3 AND NOT searchword4


I would like to hear your thoughts about that in general.

Martin Holtz - elemente websolutions http://www.elemente.ms

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