[TYPO3-dam] EXIF/XMP tags to DAM meta data

Martin Holtz typo3ng_2008 at martinholtz.de
Tue Dec 9 11:14:08 CET 2008


> I can't use it :-) (I can't find any version other that the ancient one in
> TER)
well, if you use svn, there would be an upcomming DAM 1.1

>> i wrote an extension "exiftool".
>> It includes the "exiftool"-perl script which is able to read and write
>> metadata for a lot of filetypes.
> I only need the reading part of it for now. It sound like a great extension!
ok, i put it there:


> Where can I get it? It's not in TER and I can't find it on your website
> either (rewriting the url's which produce errors :-) )
ups, thanks for that:)

>> It is experimental at now, because it only "works for me" but is not
> Let's test it and if it "works for me" too, I'm happy :-)
ok, if not, give me as many informations as you can so we can make that
extension "works for others" too:)

Martin Holtz
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