[TYPO3-dam] How stable is DAM?

Karl-Ernst Kiel kekiel at kekiel.de
Fri Sep 7 10:35:50 CEST 2007


Jonas Dübi wrote:
> We'r using DAM on some bigger Installations.

We too - always version 1.1 (RC)

> My simple answer: If you realy need it, use it. If you do not realy 
> realy need it, don't use it.

+1  And really think about it! There will be less trouble without DAM!

> I would be realy carefull, it is a time consuming storry if you wanna 
> use it trought the whole system.

+1  Though there are a lot of extension for using DAM in FE and BE, it´s 
hard to find out what they do / don´t do and how far they are really 

> You will have to use the bleeding edge versions and you'll have to read 
> trought some newsgroups and stuff to get everything working.

+1  So you should be an experienced php programmer / extension developer.

After first being enthusiastic about the very promising "DAM Feature 
List" and then being optimistic while implementing DAM in some larger 
projects now I got very skeptical of DAM and it´s future development.

 > But there is no alternative.

Not in TYPO3, but - maybe using a different CMS? (OK,OK,dont´t mind :-) )


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