[TYPO3-dam] It's not dead

Michiel Roos michiel at netcreators.com
Fri Oct 12 12:13:15 CEST 2007

It was just resting . . .



Sorry, I couldn't resist . . .

Seriously though,

- The latest source has been uploaded to svn (thank's Michael):
   - http://typo3xdev.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/typo3xdev/tx_dam/
   - http://typo3xdev.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/typo3xdev/tx_damindex/
- a review team has been put together that is currently reviewing
patches that have been uploaded to the bugtracker.
- the review team will try to fix the standing bugs during the next 
couple of weeks.

If you are a company that needs the DAM, please consider donating code,
documentation or time. Nobody is short on money and most of us already
have jobs. So if you have a bright programmer that can help debug the
DAM, cough up some diffs and post them on the bugtracker . . . that
would be great!

If you are an avid coder (know how to checkout the latest DAM version 
from SVN, apply diffs to it and verify their correct working) and want 
to help us test the proposed fixes, please drop me a line.

Please keep on submitting bugs to: http://bugs.typo3.org/
Remember to clearly specify:
- short description
- long description
- steps to reproduce
- expected behavior
- observed behavior
- proposed fix / diff

Kind regards,

The DAM team
Netcreators BV :: creation and innovation

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