[TYPO3-dam] Looking for a gallery...

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Mon Oct 8 01:54:20 CEST 2007


> And the one I am using now (jm_gallery) has a 
> very, hm, unforgiving update policy plus allows only one level of 
> categorization - something a DAM-based gallery should of course handle 
> anyway...
> Any hints? Or do I really need to code yet another gallery?

please don't - if you need comments and like to code, write a flexible 
commenting-extension that can be added to *any* other extension over 
hooks or pure TS (as long as the extension supports TS objects or 
stdWraps for some markers). I f.e. started coding a little rating 
extension which is exactly that flexible and it's already in use for 
some time now. Unfortunately I didn't find the time yet to clean it up 
and add some more features so that it would be attractive for TER.

If anybody of you is interested in coding _the_ gallery for TYPO3 (which 
can be used with or without dam), is MVC based or whatever - start a 
topic over in the ECT list, plan it as ECT-extension and I'm in.

Franz Koch

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