[TYPO3-dam] Looking for a gallery...

Karsten Dambekalns karsten at typo3.org
Sat Oct 6 21:39:03 CEST 2007


Thinking ahead, believing that DAM will live and become better than ever 
(hear me, netcreators? ;) I am looking for a DAM-based gallery extension.

Now, I know the TER and I did look there. But I wasn't lucky. Here is 
what I would need to have, so if any of you have a suggestion, I'd be 

  * Nesting of categories and albums possible, multi-level
  * Commenting by visitors possible
  * Watermarking
  * Images sorted by EXIF date/time

Everything else is more or less unimportant, as long as I can style the 
thing with CSS. But I have not found a single DAM-based gallery with 
support for comments. And the one I am using now (jm_gallery) has a 
very, hm, unforgiving update policy plus allows only one level of 
categorization - something a DAM-based gallery should of course handle 

Any hints? Or do I really need to code yet another gallery?


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