[TYPO3-dam] handling data outside of teh document root

Jochen Rieger j.rieger at connecta.ag
Wed May 23 14:20:38 CEST 2007

Hi Thomas,

> It's just as it is. Accessing files from the browser is a no go. ;-) And 
> if DAM can't handle it, it's a no-go, too.

we had a similar problem once. Solved by the following .htaccess in the 
directory containing the files to be protected from direct access:

     Order deny,allow
     Deny from all
     Allow from none

In our application (extension) we then zipped the file via shell_exec 
and provided this one as download. So ... you had no http access on the 
files but of cause you are able to operate from within the system.

Alternatively maybe there is the possibility to allow the access via 
.htaccess setting from localhost!?


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