[TYPO3-dam] DAM 1.1 beta05 for download

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Tue Mar 13 23:26:06 CET 2007

... here


I decided to release one more beta before RC because new features were 
introduced which needs to be tested. This beta is especially for testing with 
TYPO3 V4.1.

Main changes are:

- should work with TYPO3 4.1 without problems
- Support for links to media assets in RTE and introducing the tag <media> for 
linking. Have a look in the manual.

Before the release candidate following things needs to be fixed:

* 3531: Publishing a record breaks dam_ttcontent-relations
* test special characters in filenames


The changelog since beta04:

07-03-13 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: form action had wrong format in some modules
* Fix: saving of indexing preset didn't work in tx_dam_tools_indexsetup
* Change: the indexing option 'folder to category' will search now for a 
category using LIKE

07-03-12 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: image previewer works now in translated records
* Fix: set non visible fields to 'l10n_mode' => 'exclude' in TCA
* Added: added the tag <media> to RTE content processing and frontend 

07-03-11 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: mod_cmd use cmdInit() method of extObj if available
* Change: mod_cmd use ->templateClass
* Change: tx_dam_cmd_filenew: use 'template' doc class now to use full frame 
width and set texarea class
* Fix: tx_dam_tools_indexupdate did no check more than 200 files
* Added: button to change sorting order in media>list>thumbs module

07-03-9 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: sorting selector in EB
* Change: set title cropping to 120 in EB
* Change: search for indexing setup up to $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['BE']
['lockRootPath'] if set

07-03-06 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: 5143: Categories module shows php error
* Fix: 0004681: make mm compatible with 4.1

07-02-22 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: icon paths in tx_dam_selectionFolder

07-02-21 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Fix: tx_dam_mm_cat table lacked the field "tablenames" which might be needed 
in some circumstances

07-02-20 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Added: 'Add all to list' button to EB list and upload module. Will insert 
all elements to the current CE.
* Fix: tx_dam_querygen::getQueryParts() tables from 'enableFields' will be 
added to FROM

07-02-19 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: tca_media_field.php: set 'MM_opposite_field' => 'file_usage',
* Added: check if file is present in tx_dam_image::preview()

07-02-16 Rene Fritz  <r.fritz at colorcube.de>

* Change: tx_dam_db workaround, using tx_dam.sorting_foreign when TYPO3 4.1
* Change: remove mmforeign dependency in dam_ttcontent and use ext_update.php 
to create warnings in EM when needed.

digital media lab


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