[TYPO3-dam] Call for bugfixing session on some major bugs in DAM 1.1.RC1

Valery Romanchev info at typo3lab.ru
Fri Jun 15 10:43:58 CEST 2007

Hello All

I have some projects with latest DAM in development.

I am interesting in fixing

0005547: error with insertion of "New Magic Image" in HTMLarea
Description 	I get blank screen in the DAM brauser when try to insert 
"New Magic Image" in HTMLarea and no images inserted (in IE6 and in 
FireFox 2 )
"New Plane Image" works fine

This seems to be difficult to fix (it works OK in previos DAM version)

and http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5527  (this makes DAM usability 
very low)

Any other bugs are welcome to be disccussed of cource.

The session can be on typo3 irc or by Skype
(my Skype is typo3lab)

Please contact me directly.

Valery Romanchev

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