[TYPO3-dam] DAM and 4.1

Thomas Oppelt t.content at gmx.de
Wed Feb 14 12:00:40 CET 2007


i d like to know if the predefined TCA entries for usage in own 
extension within dam/tca_media_field.php (1.0.8) will work with upcoming 
typo 4.1 core + mmforeign or what the TCA has to look like if mmforeign 
is skipped...seems the whole getSingleField_typeMedia process within 
tx_dam_tcefunc has to be fixed then...? What about extensions like 
dam_ttcontent which depends on that function?


Ingmar Schlecht schrieb:
> Hi guys,
> as we (the core team) are going to release 4.1 RC one soon, I would like
> to hear from you (users of the DAM) if there's everything in place in
> 4.1beta3 now, that makes DAM not need to XCLASS tceforms any more.
> The point is:
> Since 4.1beta3 the core ships with an additional functionality to the
> Bidi-MM feature which is the possibility to save different relations to
> the same MM-table by means of so called "matchFields". René Fritz told
> me that was needed for DAM, that's why I integrated it.
> Until now DAM always shipped with an XCLASS to tceforms and tcemain in
> order to make that work, but in theory that is not necessary any more.
> Now, the question is if one of you could test if that really works.
> New core options in the TCA configuration of select and group fields:
>    MM_match_fields
> 	(not documented yet, but is exactly as used by DAM)
>    MM_insert_fields
> 	(not documented yet, but is exactly as used by DAM)
>    MM_table_where
> 	(not documented yet, but is exactly as used by DAM)
>    MM_opposite_field
> 	If you want to make an mm relation editable from the foreign
> 	side of the relation as well, you need to set MM_opposite_field
> 	on the foreign side to the fieldname on the local side.
> 	E.g. if the field "companies.employees" is your local side
> 	and you want to make the same relation editable from the foreign
> 	side of the relation in a field called persons.employers, you
> 	would need to set the MM_opposite_field value of the TCA
> 	configuration of the persons.employers field to the string
> 	"employees".
> What's also new is that MM-tables now need to have a field called
> "sorting_foreign" as well. This will have to be added to DAM's
> ext_tables.sql file.
> Bottom line is: I'm not going to test it, and if none of you does it,
> chances are likely there's sill bugs in it, so I'd be glad if you did it!
> cheers
> Ingmar

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