[TYPO3-dam] DAM and 4.1

Karl-Ernst Kiel kekiel at kekiel.de
Thu Feb 1 22:39:49 CET 2007


Ingmar Schlecht wrote:
> Hi guys,
> as we (the core team) are going to release 4.1 RC one soon, I would like
> to hear from you (users of the DAM) if there's everything in place in
> 4.1beta3 now, that makes DAM not need to XCLASS tceforms any more.

I did a little testing:

- set up TYPO3 4.1beta3 and merged the SVN trunk (29.01.2007)

- integrated DAM 1.1beta3 from Rene´s site

- disabled XCLASS in tx_dam:
= PATH_txdam.'lib/class.tx_dam_tce_file.php';

- did NOT install mmforeign which contains
= $temp_Path.'class.ux_t3lib_transferdata.php';
= $temp_Path.'class.ux_t3lib_tcemain.php';

- added field sorting_foreign to tx_dam_mm_ref and tx_dam_mm_cat

- enabled dam, dam_catedit, dam_info, dam_ttcontent, dam_pages and the 
required extensions (beside mmforeign) in EM

- uploaded some files, added categories and used some of them in content 
elements (dam_ttcontent) an page-media (dam_pages)

Results: It seemed to work - all references (in tx_dam_mm_ref and 
tx_dam_mm_cat) were OK.

One thing did not work: Selection of dam elements using categories in 
the Media->List module. (but tx_dam_mm_cat are OK!)

Sooo - ähhm: I´m not really sure if THIS was the right thing to be 
tested??? And this is far from being an "everything is all right" - 
statement :-( But I tried...

Would be better if someone who is "real deep into the DAM-programming" 
would take a look. (By the way: Has anybody heard anything about Rene?)


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