[TYPO3-dam] mmforeign

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Wed Sep 13 19:33:05 CEST 2006

Hi Ingmar

> > You can have more than one MM related field in a record.
> That is easily possible with our implementation, you just need to use
> different mm-tables to store the different relations.

Yes, but that is not usable for DAM. 

> Could you make an example of relations that are not possible to store
> without match- and insertfields?
> > You need to know
> > which field is related to the relation.
> I don't understand what you mean. Could you try to describe it differently?

TYPO3 mm tables use tablenames to store the table name the relation is for, 
but not the field of the table. This is no problem as long as you use the mm 
relation from that field - like it is now in TYPO3. But with bidi-mm you 
might need to know which field in the other table is meant in the relation, 
because there can be more than just one field using the mm table. You suggest 
to use extra mm tables for each field, that works, but is not always what you 
want. For the DAM this is not working.

Anyway, if 'userProcessClass' (see below) will be implemented I don't need 
enhanced mm tables in the core, because I can use my own implementation in a 
clean way.

> > Could you please have a look into the new mmforeign extension at
> > http://typo3lab.colorcube.de/dam.html

> Do you mean that one?
> http://typo3lab.colorcube.de/download/dam/mmforeign-20060901.zip


> I had a look at it, but if I understand the code correctly, that still
> implements bidi-MM as XCLASSes, doesn't it?

The old code is included as option but not used by default. Just ignore the 
folder ux_tce/

Search for 'userProcessClass'.

You can have a look in the manuals section 'Developers section" too.


digital media lab


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