[TYPO3-dam] Room for improvement: files are unsorted in the select dialog

Adam Nojszewski adam at nojszewski.coim
Tue May 16 11:13:56 CEST 2006

Pieter napisał(a):

> They appear unsorted in a list when I want to place them in a content 
> element on a web page.  There should be some way to sort them.

Here is a small hack to file class.tx_dam_browse_media.php (DAM version 
1.0.3): in function getFileListArr


just before:

this is around line 658 of file class.tx_dam_browse_media.php

Files are now sorted by name. This is just hack - I have no time for 
real modifications including user interface.

Adam Nojszewski                           gg:9130731 skype:anojszewski
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