[TYPO3-dam] news_dam_con templateFile

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Wed May 10 14:50:47 CEST 2006

Rupert Germann schrieb am 10.05.2006 10:29:

>> It would be neat if one could enter the path manually for constants with
>> type=file in the constant editor too. This has always bugged me. :)
> would be no problem to add an extra text input field for this - but you
> could also use the object browser for editing constants where this text
> inputfield is already present.

The reason there is a constant editor is that you have a clear interface
to common settings for an extension/template with explanations,
choice-boxes etc. I cannot send customer-admin to the "object browser",
he will go mad. :) I think the constant editor is nice but can still be
improved a lot. This matter of pointing to a file instead of uploading
it being one of them.

But this is getting offtopic, and maybe matter for the next "zap the
gremlins" session.


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