[TYPO3-dam] DAM & multilinguism

Laurent Verhoest Laurent.Verhoest at advoo.fr
Tue Aug 22 01:41:38 CEST 2006

Hello Achim,

For indexing i am not sure, but i think it should be already done 
quietly and automatically. For example, i created DAM content in default 
langage (english), then 'translated' it in french : when i go in the 
Media>Indexing module, i can see that my translated content was indexed 

I think one thing needed is indeed a way to translate categories using 
standard typo3 features.
  => when you 'translate' a doc, the categories attached are the same, 
but in the target langage

Then there is the pb of changing the "real" physical file for the 
translated version (for images you may not have to, but for written doc, 
it is mandatory).
  => i think the Media>File and Media>List modules would have to evolve 
to get files lists from db rather than disk, and include the notion of 
localization (e.g. showing links between translation versions)

For now on, i managed a biaised solution :
 - i built a "double" tree for categories : first level is lang, then i 
duplicated the tree (same old way of managing multilang site : duplicate !)
 - i upload 2 differents docs and assign them the categories in the 
target langage

it's not really elegant, but works. I also have to use different folders 
to upload them so that when user link a doc in the DAM on the page, they 
know where to get it.
The only thing i am missing is the link between 2 docs (one is the 
translation of the other). But maybe a dedicated extension which would 
manage the sys_language_uid and l18n_parent columns would do the trick.


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