[TYPO3-dam] mmforeign causes troubles...

Pieter pieter.v at gmx.net
Tue Apr 18 19:55:48 CEST 2006

Franz Koch wrote:

>> I use the basic DAM extensions, dam_filelinks and dam_ttcontent. 
>> Because of this I have the extension mmforeign installed (rev. 0.1.0).
>> But mmforeign 0.1.0 screws up other parts of Typo3.  Example: the 
>> first 'news category' (with uid=1) is added to a news record each time 
>> you edit a news record.
> I can't confirm this - I have no problems with it. Can you give more 
> details of your installation (version of typo3, different extensions etc.).

Hello Franz,

it's a little bit harder then I thought to see the problem. Steps to 
make it visible:
- create a tt_news record with exactly one category selected.  Don't 
choose the category with uid=1.
- save the tt_news record (even without closing it)
The list of categories now contains 2 items: the one you selected and 
the category with uid=1.
This won't occur if the tt_news record has 0 or more then 1 categories.

I have been experimenting with other extensions but only the 
install/uninstall of mmforeign  enables/disables the problem.

Configuration: Typo3 4.0, PHP_VERSION 4.3.10-16, Apache/1.3.33, Debian 

Extensions installed:
	ingmar_admpanelwrap 	1.0.3
	iim_feuserspasstype 	0.1.2
	mmforeign 	0.1.0
	rtehtmlarea 	1.3.7
	https_enforcer 	1.0.9
	rlmp_tmplselector 	1.2.1
	stfl_tmpl2columns 	1.4.0
Rq 	version 	1.0.0
Backend Modules		
	nf_cleandb 	1.0.7
	phpmyadmin 	0.2.1
	sys_action 	1.1.2
	simulatebe 	1.0.0
	css_styled_content 	0.3.1
	page_php_content 	1.0.1
	realurl 	1.1.0
	dkd_redirect_at_login 	2.1.2
	sourceopt 	0.3.1
Frontend Plugins		
	dr_wiki 	1.0.2
	vivuser 	0.0.1
	dr_blob 	1.4.1
	fileupload 	1.1.0
	sr_feuser_register 	2.3.3
	jb_realurl_regeneration 	1.0.0
	kb_md5fepw 	0.4.0
	irfaq 	0.4.12
	ab_linklist 	1.7.0
	newloginbox 	2.2.11
	tt_news 	2.2.24
	gst_selectpro 	1.0.0
	automaketemplate 	0.1.0
	uUsersByGroup 	0.0.1
	pv_usergroup 	1.0.0
	vcd_archive 	1.3.1
	cag_pagebrowser 	0.1.4
	static_info_tables 	1.8.0
	news_author_rel 	0.2.0
	vcd_library 	0.1.0

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