[TYPO3-dam] Help on DAM indexing/upload

Jean-Baptiste RIO TripHot69 at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 25 15:27:11 CEST 2005

Hi Team,

My concern is about the DAM extension. Let me just explain the context. I'm
webmaster of several websites about online real-time strategy games (like
Warcraft, Age Of Mythology, ...). We are now transferring our old ASP
websites into a new Typo3 multi-sites installation. In order to be fully
compliant with the old sites, i need to offer a record game library, which
allows visitors to upload their replays/records into it, and displays the
list of games for download. The function offers the possibility to add
comments/infos/player list with each record game (see one of our ASP site
for an example http://www.warcraft3france.com/list_games.asp )
I would like to use the DAM extensions to do so, in order to have the
benefit of a real powerful tool to manage the records in the BE. I've found
all i need to offer download, but my main problem is the upload. I didn't
find any function allowing people, at least FE users, to upload records and
then indexing the uploaded file (based on a category for instance), so that
the record is available for download automatically.
For the moment, i've written a little extension working on its own to offer
an upload based on a content form. So you declare a form (a usual BE form
content), ask people to enter information, create a record with all the user
information stored in a typoscript-formatted field. I would like to
integrate this extension in the DAM galaxy, and specially add the indexing
automation. I try to dive into the DAM indexing extension, but my opinion is
that it is not written for external use.
So i ask for a little help of the DAM team : Is it possible to somebody help
me building an indexing library ? In exchange ... my upload extension, of
course :)



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