[TYPO3-content-rendering] Defining articles/sections using grouped content elements

Patrick Broens patrick at patrickbroens.nl
Tue Aug 9 08:51:40 CEST 2011


This issue worries me also. A Content Management System can't decide
what's a group, like article, section or aside. The content editors need
to have some mechanism to do this. I prefer not to have a wizard for
this, but a generic concept in the page module.

However, in approximately 90% of the cases content editors don't care
about this, how hard you try to convince them. Only companies who are
really into semantics/accessibility know the true value of this.

With TemplaVoila FCE's this is quite easy to do. But the core does not
have a proper mechanism for this. The way I see this is some container
you can add to a column in the page module, which accepts other content
objects. In this container you can select the group type. This needs to
be reflected in the page module, which is the most used module for
content editors. It should be visible to them that there is a container
which contains other objects, like you see in TV. The cObj "Insert
records" is kind of the same, but it does not reflect anything in the
page module or in the list module (with IRRE). With this cObj you can't
add other cObj's to this container in the page module itself with a
button "Insert record inside this one", instead of "Insert record after
this one".

For the list module I think it is not that difficult to implement. We
can use IRRE for it. But the nesting of the elements and the editing
capabilities in the Page module are a different story.

I'm really interested in this topic and will probably work on it later,
which means October or later. Currently I'm too busy and I still have my
holiday coming up ;-) In the meantime we might try to gather some ideas,
or of course, if somebody else likes to work on it, start it already. We
might setup a project for this on Forge and try to work out a concept
for this, that we have container objects in the core. IMHO the whole
concept should be generic, not only for HTML5 groups.



On 8-8-11 20:55 , Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer wrote:
> Hello!
> HTML5 defines new semantically elements
> which can group elements like headers and
> all other elements like <p> or headers.
> Some of them are <article />, <section />
> and <aside /> and possibly some more.
> Those new "wrappers" can't be really used
> in an automatic way because it depends on
> the content itself which elements make sense.
> Read more about it here:
> * http://html5doctor.com/the-article-element/
> * http://html5doctor.com/aside-revisited/
> * http://html5doctor.com/the-section-element/
> To take full control of those new elements
> I think it's needed to create some kind of
> a new "content composition wizard" which
> would handle grouping of multiple content
> elements and/or plugins etc.
> Recently I've found this extension by
> Jo Hasenau which uses Inline Records:
> http://typo3.org/documentation/document-library/extension-manuals/icebox/0.8.0/view/1/2/
> So, I'm not sure if inline records are
> the goal to this question, but probably
> we "just" need a useful wizard which would
> create those inline records with an intuitive
> and responsive GUI; inline records itself
> seem to be a bit "clunky" and useless when
> it comes to "heavy" content editing.
> Any ideas/feedback?
> Regards,
> Thomas

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