[TYPO3-content-rendering] Defining articles/sections using grouped content elements

Thomas "Thasmo" Deinhamer thasmo at gmail.com
Mon Aug 8 20:55:40 CEST 2011


HTML5 defines new semantically elements
which can group elements like headers and
all other elements like <p> or headers.

Some of them are <article />, <section />
and <aside /> and possibly some more.

Those new "wrappers" can't be really used
in an automatic way because it depends on
the content itself which elements make sense.

Read more about it here:
* http://html5doctor.com/the-article-element/
* http://html5doctor.com/aside-revisited/
* http://html5doctor.com/the-section-element/

To take full control of those new elements
I think it's needed to create some kind of
a new "content composition wizard" which
would handle grouping of multiple content
elements and/or plugins etc.

Recently I've found this extension by
Jo Hasenau which uses Inline Records:

So, I'm not sure if inline records are
the goal to this question, but probably
we "just" need a useful wizard which would
create those inline records with an intuitive
and responsive GUI; inline records itself
seem to be a bit "clunky" and useless when
it comes to "heavy" content editing.

Any ideas/feedback?


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