[TYPO3-content-rendering] Revival of the group

Susanne Moog typo3 at susannemoog.de
Sun Nov 30 11:01:59 CET 2008


Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] schrieb:

> Following stuff is just a random list of stuff in my mind:
> - improve css_styled_content's Text with images so that it only renders
>  "a single image + text" if this is all we have (and not tons of DLs,
> DIV, SPAN, etcs). And maybe handle other "special" situations like this
> one better.

prio 1 I would say. I very nearly hate those DLs and their companions ;)

> - solve the "long standing" http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=3363
> issue, XHTML validity of Text with image with no captions.
> - Review and solve http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5186
> - Discuss how to render the "Divider", or if it is still needed
> (http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=2842)
> - Solve the baseURL vs prefixLocalAnchors bogus combinations
> (http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=5026)

solving bugs is always good.

> - complete css_styled_content MANUAL, so that it could be rendered as a
> official core documentation for folks needing information about frontend
> rendering with it.

That's a very good idea and I think quite important if we change some 
things so that users can keep track of the changes and learn how to 
adapt css_styled_content to their needs.

> - the new discussion about splitting up tt_contetn rendering typoscript
> for different TYPO3 versions to make the code "slimmer".

That's what I'll start with, I'm going to post some ideas in a new 
thread how it could look like and we can discuss it there.

So, let's get started :)


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