[TYPO3-content-rendering] [TYPO3-core] RFC #8070: Feature: CSS styled content / scalable rendering of images

Ralf Hettinger ng at ralfhettinger.de
Fri Dec 12 10:31:10 CET 2008

Am 11.12.2008 22:12 schrieb Franz Koch:
>> have a look at the _second_ part of the podcast here this is really
>> some nice stuff!
>> http://castor.t3o.punkt.de/files/podkast_7mf_css.m4v
> but this concept has one big downside in handling. Setting the upper
> most element having a font-size where 1em equals 10px is only as long
> useful as you use 1em as global font-size. If you at one place define
> 1.2em as desired font-size (maybe for your content container, because
> 10px font is quite small) the whole concept with the 10px breaks inside
> that container. Thus you would need to tell every inline-element on its
> own to use 1.2em instead of their container to keep the 10px = 1em
> scaling factor.

As from my experience, changing the em can be avoided for "inner" HTML
containers (that would indeed result in separate size calculations for
containers even further inside). If the concept is known from the very

The result would have to be, that the one(s) who create the CSS have to
be aware of the whole layout using em units and would know that
adaptions of font-size has to been done very carefully and only for
elements, that would have no inner layout elements inside.


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