[TYPO3-content-rendering] Plain Text mails with TemplaVoila FCEs

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Wed Apr 16 14:04:59 CEST 2008

Hey Mike,

I think you could use a trick for that:

First - add a new renderType for TV templates:
---- PageTS ------
TCEFORM.tx_templavoila_tmplobj.rendertype.addItems {
   plain = Plaintext

then, create a plaintext-Template for your FCE, make it a subtemplate of 
your HTML-template version and select the renderingType 'Plaintext' for 
the template object.

use some TS-conditions to force TV to use the plaintext template

--- TS setup -----
// check for the GetVar in the URL that you use for indicating the
// plaint text Newsletter. I configured direct_mail to use
// &newsletter=html and &newsletter=plain

[globalVar = GP:newsletter = html]
# include your HTML newsletter pageObject and do whatever you like

[globalVar = GP:newsletter = plain]
   // setup tt_content for plaintext rendering
   tt_content < lib.alt_plaintext.renderObj
   // include FCE rendering again
   tt_content.templavoila_pi1 =< plugin.tx_templavoila_pi1
   // tell FCEs to use the plaintext subtemplate
   tt_content.templavoila_pi1.childTemplate = plain

   // same now for the page object itself
   page {
   	headerData >
	// some further configuration for your plaintext version
	config {
		disableAllHeaderCode = 1
	// assuming that TSobject 20 is your TemplaVoila instance
	// tell TV to use the plaintext version of the page template
	20.childTemplate = plain

Write a little function for rendering custom cTypes and register it in 

--- localconf ----
$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXTCONF']['direct_mail']['renderCType'][] = 

--- the class itself ---
class your_classname {
	function renderPlainText(&$parent,&$content) {
		$lines = array();
		$CType = (string)$parent->cObj->data['CType'];
		switch($CType) {
			case 'templavoila_pi1':
				$lines[] = 
		return $lines;

That should be all you need to do. It's untested - but should work. I 
already use the TS-condition switch for the general rendering of 
plainText-Newsletter - but without the FCE part, because I don't need 
FCEs in newsletters. So there might be some typos or other tweaks needed 
to get the FCE-stuff running - but it should work like described.

Kind regards,

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