[TYPO3-content-rendering] Plain Text mails with TemplaVoila FCEs

Mike Lorrey mike.lorrey at gmx.de
Tue Apr 15 20:48:57 CEST 2008

hi at all,

i tried to send a text mail with the direct_mail ext, using a tv content
element. The problem is, the content element could not be rendered in
the text version of the mail (the html version works fine).

the workarround under

is not realy a good solution, because all linebreak and formating get lost.

so i would like to fix it - therefore i thought (just a basic idea) 
"with the uid of the element i query the tt_content table to get the tv 

maybe in the "class.tx_directmail_pi1.php" > "function main" the switch 
block has to be extended.

is this in any way posible with the tv api oder something else?
i simple need the "content" of the fce - which i can then use to build
the plain text mail.

i hope you can help me out!!!
i should be possible, or not?

thanks in advanced!

best regards

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