[TYPO3-content-rendering] Accessible Section-Menu

Franz Koch typo3 at fx-graefix.de
Mon Sep 19 20:05:49 CEST 2005

Hi folks,

as of xhtml-compatibility there are allready some hacks available here 
for validating section-menus (anchor).
I just coded a little piece in TS which makes them a little bit more 
accessible - I at least think that. If not - it's still a nice tooltip ;)

Long story short:
# "Section index (pagecontent w/Index checked)"
3 < styles.content.get
3.select.andWhere = sectionIndex!=0
3.select.pidInList.override.field = pages
3.wrap = <ul class="sections">|</ul>
3.renderObj = TEXT
3.renderObj {
	fieldRequired = header
	field = header
	htmlSpecialChars = 1
	preCObject = TEXT
	preCObject {
		field = uid
		wrap = <a href="#ce|">
		postCObject = TEXT
		postCObject {
			field = header
			htmlSpecialChars = 1
			wrap = " title="jump to topic '|'
       	wrap = <li>|</a></li>

as you can see I removed the typolink, because I caused errors by 
anchor-linking on pages with set parameters in the URL (like type=XX) 
and when fetching newsletters with a section-index.
And I prefixed the anchor with 'ce' as you can see. Of course you have 
to change it for your needs.

Hope anybody can use it. If anybody knows a disadvantage of this - 
please let me know.

CYA, Franz Koch

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