[TYPO3-content-rendering] Integrating Accesskeypad - Hello...

Michiel Roos typo3 at monosock.org
Mon Oct 31 16:19:17 CET 2005

On Fri, 28 Oct 2005 10:46:59 +0200, Michael Haugg wrote:

> I tested it right now on
> Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.6) Gecko/20050405 
> Firefox/1.0 (Ubuntu package 1.0.2)

Alt+# works fine on every firefox!

The trick is that when you have multiple tabs open, the Alt+# are stolen
by the open tabs.

This goes for all sites that use Alt+#, even greenpeace.de

Both firefox and epiphany (default gnome browser) do this. I think
epiphany is based on firefox.

Mozilla honours the Alt+# for use in site naviation. It uses
Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn for tab navigation. So, mozilla works as you expect it to.

Could you please re-check the behaviour with multiple tabs open?

I don't have any other browsers installed (Opera or other). I run Gentoo.
Both Firefox ans epiphany do not have strange configs (but what if they
did, it's the users choice), only AdBlock. 

> and it worked fine. Could it be due to a special setting in your 
> Firefox, Michiel ? If I remeber well, it tried it weeks ago on a friends 
> FreeBSD-System with Firefox as well, and had no problems, too. I'll ask 
> him again, when I meet him next time.
Multiple open tabs or not?


Michiel Roos

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