[TYPO3-content-rendering] accessible sites

ben van 't ende [netcreators] ben at netcreators.nl
Sun Oct 30 20:54:54 CET 2005

Hi Guys,

We have the CRG list, but no real examples of sites that are accessible 
and comply to different standards. Today I received a question from an 
Italian student that wants to use TYPO3 for his university website, but 
was a little amazed by the fact that TYPO3.org is HTML 4.0 only and does 
not validate at all.

I'd like to get a list together of accessible websites or websites that 
comply to XHTML1.0 strict made with TYPO3. I know greenpeace.de is one 
of them. Please let me know the sites you have built and what 
(extensions) you used to get it accessible/xhtml compliant. We 
definitely need some examples as showcases.


netcreators::creation and innovation
www.netcreators.nl -  www.typo3.nl

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