[TYPO3-content-rendering] title="" in images

Christopher bedlamminusspamhotel at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 00:50:07 CEST 2005

Ingo Renner wrote:
> Am Wed, 24 Aug 2005 21:57:05 +0200 schrieb Stefan Beylen:
>>just asking:
>>shouldnt the title="" removed if the image is not clickable/linked...and 
>>even if it is clickable the title should be in <a>, innit?
>>so no title in images at all...
> In my opion IE is the one who is handling the alt/title attributes wrong as
> the alt (= alternative!) attribute is supposed to be an _alternative_ when
> the browser fails to load the image for whatever reason.
> The title attribute instead is the title or a kind of name of the image and
> therefore it shouldn't be left out.
> Ingo

I'm inclined to agree that the w3c has this wrong, or at least that it's 
not nearly as clear cut as that one reference would have it. As far as I 
can tell, it makes no sense for the w3c to say that "... the semantics 
of title are too easily confused with ... longdesc." The longdesc 
attribute should provide the location of a file with more information 
about the image - and _nobody_ argues that the title attribute should do 
that work.

The content of a given 'alt' attribute, on the other hand, is much more 
likely to be similar to the 'title' attribute of the same element, but 
they still do different work. It's not hard to make meaningful 
distinctions between how these two attributes are used (in _visual_ user 
agents at least - this might take more thought to figure out for 
screenreaders etc). But for example:

<img src="artists/picasso/paintings/guernica.jpg"
      alt="Photo of Picasso's 'Guernica'"
      longdesc="artists/picasso/paintings/guernica.html" />


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