[TYPO3-community] beginners questions /various problems

Malte Schroeder post at malte-schroeder.de
Tue Oct 23 11:16:02 CEST 2012

Hi everybody,
im new to the list and I'm currently trieng to bring the community =20
plugin to work on my fresh Typo3 4.7 installation.

I followed the guide, but I still meet the problem, that I don't get =20
any output of the extionsion on any community page I have created.

For the first stept of my community I'd just need a simple user list =20
with User Picture and Name of one group of users only. It should be =20
viewable for any page visitor.
If I set the Userlist to "group", the group choice field below is =20
empty, so I can not choose any group. Even if I set it to display all =20
users, I don't get any List output.

I did not yet enable realURL.

What information should I provide to you, to enable you providing me =20
some help?
You can view the page at http://www2.radio-zoom.de
http://www2.radio-zoom.de/index.php?id=3D13, is the page that should =20
display the list.
http://www2.radio-zoom.de/index.php?id=3D34 should be a detailed view.

This page is under heavy construction at the moment.

Many Thanks in Advance
and kind regards from germany.

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