[TYPO3-community] Extending profiles in community

Daniel nomail at nomail.com
Fri Jul 6 17:51:04 CEST 2012

Hi Tymek

I managed to get rid of the error message (my existing extension had two 
"tx" in front of it...)

Now it seems the class is included but on the frontend all fields of a user 
disappear (list user, detail page). It does not seem to matter what I put in 
the class. I tried an empty class

class Tx_Myextension_Domain_Model_User extends 
Tx_Community_Domain_Model_User {

but that did not help. Any clue?

Another question: In the manual you give an example on how to add a field. 
Is it true that I have to change            $this->skype = $skype; to 
$this->tx_myextension_skype = $skype;


"Tymoteusz Motylewski"  schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1341432973.15637.typo3-project-community at lists.typo3.org...

Hi Daniel,
Errors like this are in most cases caused by some typo in class name or
file name.
the class Tx_ExtendCommunity_Domain_Repository_UserRepository is
expected to be in
Please check folder names and cases of letters.

W dniu 2012-06-28 14:38, Daniel pisze:
> Hi Stefan
> How did you solve the issue. I ran into the same problem.
> Best,
> Daniel

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