[TYPO3-community] community - flashmessage displayer, function?

Stefan Kaufmann kaufmann at dwwd.ch
Sun Oct 30 11:18:14 CET 2011

Hello all,

Can anyone explain me the function of the flashmessage displayer in 
community? Is it to display any messages after submitting e.g. a 
message? In what instance is this function triggered?

I've tried to set it up according the manual with the following code in 

# testing community
lib.content = COA
lib.content.10 < plugin.tx_community.flashMessagesDisplayer
lib.content.20 < styles.content.get

lib.contentbox < lib.content

# And configure in which part of a page this plugin should be displayed 
(done by js).
plugin.tx_community.settings.flashMessagesDisplayer.where = #contentbox

The content in the template (templavoila) is referenced like this:
<div id="content">
   <div id="contentbox">

Is this the correct code when using TemplaVoila?
Thanks in advance

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