[TYPO3-commerce] Strange code in pi1

Michael Knabe typo3 at mfkhh.de
Mon May 23 18:28:12 CEST 2011

Am 23.05.2011 16:59, schrieb Ingo Schmitt:
> Hi Michael,
Hi Ingo,
> if you extend the frontend PI1 class by your extension you will have the prefixID tx_myextension. Since these PIvars are not present in Commerce, this remapps the pivars to the commerce vars. 
> I have implemented this solution, since the access to the pivars is not implemented at only one place.
I suggest that if you extend a pi-class in your extension you should not
change the prefixId. IIRC pi_base uses the prefixId to fill the piVars.
If that is true and the extension doesn't overwrite $this->prefixId one
should be able to use the commerce-piVars without this piece of code. Am
I right?

> Removing this, would break some installations based on commerce.
> We should write a method to get the pivars, which is used at all places in commerce. Maybe we could start during the refactoring of pi2,pi3 and pi6?
I was already planning to do so and put the solution into
tx_commerce_pibase. However, this would also break existing
installations, wouldn't it?
As Christian is just working on the other pi's I'm going to talk to him
directly to find a solution we could use in all pi's.

> Regards
> ingo

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