[TYPO3-commerce] Individual payment cost, depending on payment method choosen

Bert Hiddink [BENDOO e-work solutions] hiddink at bendoo.com
Tue Feb 2 21:31:55 CET 2010


I need to set up Commerce in such a way that I can apply an additional 
cost for handling if a certain payment method (PM) is choosen, that is, 
if PM = 1, extra costs for Product 1 (on a per product basis) are: 2.00
if PM = 2, extra costs for Product 1 (on a per product basis) are: 3.50
if PM = 3, extra costs for Product 1 (on a per product basis) are: 5.00

Can this be done out of the box? If yes, please explain. If not, any 
examples/hooks which do something similar?

Thanks in advance for any idea!!!!



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