[TYPO3-commerce] problems with template system

Bob Wild rowild at gmx.net
Tue Sep 1 11:40:41 CEST 2009

Hi list,

I posted this problem already some weeks ago, but I didn't get any help, 
so - stubborn as I can be - I try it again.

In particularly the situation is one with the HTML 
category_products.tmpl and the TS that is supposed to (de)activate 
certain markers or submakrs resp.

This is the sequence of how the various Markers are called (at least to 
my understanding):

1. ###CATEGORY_VIEW_DISPLAY### ,   this one calls the
2. ###CATEGORY_SUB_LIST### ,   which itself calls the

and then - depending on the TS-config with templateMarkers, either one, 
two or more

4. ###CATEGORY_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_[0|1|2|...]###

are called.

My questions are:


1. As soon as one gets to the point where products are shown (<!-- 
###PRODUCT_VIEW_DETAIL### begin--> in the HTML template), there will 
also be a field that shows the respective category to which those 
products belong (<!-- ###CATEGORY_ITEM### begin -->).
The corresponding TS looks like this:

plugin.tx_commerce_pi1 {
     singleView {
         products.categories {
             title ...
             subtitle ...
             description ...
             image ...
             teaserimages ...

My adaptation:

plugin.tx_commerce_pi1 {
     singleView {
         products.categories >

Nevertheless the category is shown, meaning my TS does not work. (Even 
if I delete the several objects seperately, like 
"plugin.tx_commerce_pi1.singleView.product.categories.title > " no 
changes happen, except for image, which results in the fact that the 
image is not shown, but its name).

Very strange in this context is, too, that when I delete that respective 
submarker from my HTML template I get errors and the site is not displayed.
(Section "PRODUCT SINGLEVIEW" -> submarker "<!-- ###CATEGORY_ITEM### -->")

What am I misunderstanding here?


2. Which content or what meaningful line is the marker 
###LANG_HEADER_ACTION### supposed to display? The respective tag in the 
language.xml is just empty.


3. TemplateMarkers enable the use of different div-containers for the 
Product display (odd - even):


In the TS is says:

plugin.tx_commerce_pi1 {
   // templateMarker.categoryProductList.0
   // Number of Iterations in the Product List Number
   templateMarker.categoryProductListTopIterations =  1
   templateMarker.categoryProductListIterations =  2
   // Change the templateMarker for product List to an iteration System
   // Now unlimeted Marker can be defined, same for topProducts
   // Array with Template Marker from 0 to x as key
   templateMarker.categoryProductListTop.0 = CATEGORY_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_1	
   templateMarker.categoryProductList.0 = CATEGORY_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_2
   templateMarker.categoryProductList.1 = CATEGORY_ITEMS_LISTVIEW_3	


   // Template marker for different views
   templateMarker {
    productAttributesSelectorDropdown = SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTES_DROPDOWN
    productAttributesSelectorRadiobutton = SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTES_RADIOBUTTON
    // make a selector Element or show all Artikels

Is there any way that I can use the same principle for displaying 
subcategories in ###CATEGORY-LIST###?

(Why? - Having severeal subcategories, I would like to display 2 
categories next to each other. The different length of the texts results 
in different lengths of the columns, which results in overlapping of 
subcategories. The idea is to set a clear-div after every second 
subcategory - but this seems not to be possible now. Or do I have a 
wrong understanding of the system?)


4. In the plugin.tx_commerce_pi1.templateMarkter section (see under 3) 
there is a line saying:

// make a selector Element or show all Artikels

Can anybody explain, what that means? And maybe give an example?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Regards, Robert

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