[TYPO3-commerce] (patch) potential attribute dropdowns fix

Morten Olesen mo at idefa.dk
Thu Oct 2 14:59:32 CEST 2008

Hi group,

This is meant to resolve bugs  #1345 & #1237 the effects of the patch 
should only affect the allArticles=0 mode, how ever I'd like feed back 
from both set ups to make sure I didn't accidentally break anything ;)

- in listview only the dropdowns of the changed product will change
	(Used to be that all similare attributes would change, ie all 	
	colour drop downs would change to black)

- The dropdowns are now chained, this means that;

	- It's no longer possible to choose "forbidden" attribue 	
		combinations ( for articles that are hidden,
		non-existant, etc )
		if such a combination should still be choosen commerce
		will gracefull instead choose the first article that is 	

	- If you choose an attribute earlier in the chain later ones
		will be reset ( again preventing ilegal combinations )
		(the order of the attributes are defined by the order
		they have on the product)

- The dropdowns will now always show the full name of the attribute
	value rather than just the first letter

- The visible html associated with the drop downs are no longer
	hardcoded but instead uses wrap defined in TS;

plugin.tx_commerce_pi1 {
	attributes {
		title < lib.tx_commerce.stdField
		value < lib.tx_commerce.stdField
		unit < lib.tx_commerce.stdField

ofcourse use you own wrap

Even with theese wraps they are still spit out as a string as "title 
valu eunit" ( each value wrapped ofc ), if any one can think of a way to 
make this more design friendly I'd love to hear it.

/Morten Olesen

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