[TYPO3-commerce] title-attribut for article images

Arno Pfeuffer arno.pfeuffer at gmx.net
Thu Jul 24 11:04:12 CEST 2008


I use the following TS-code for click enlarge the article images with 
the pmkSlimbox and it works fine, with one problem (see: <- The Problem):

plugin.tx_commerce_pi1 {
   singleView.articles.fields {
     images {
     imageLinkWrap = 1
     imageLinkWrap {
       enable = 1
       typolink {
       parameter.cObject = IMG_RESOURCE
       parameter.cObject.file.import.data = TSFE:lastImageInfo|origFile
       parameter.cObject.file.maxW = 800m
       parameter.cObject.file.maxH = 600
       ATagParams = rel="lightbox"
       ATagParams.override = rel="lightbox[sb{field:uid}]"
       ATagParams.override.if.isTrue = 
       ATagParams.insertData = 1
       target = _blank

       title = ??? <- The Problem

Over the title-attribute the pmk slimbox-text is transported. And here 
is my problem.
I want to display the title of any article. With "title.field = title" 
it will not work. So what I have to do? Can anyone help me?
How is the code for displaying the article-title in the title-attribute 
of the a-Tag? I have no idea.

Regards Arno

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