[TYPO3-commerce] New features for commerce - what do you think

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Fri Sep 14 18:01:45 CEST 2007

Hi Sascha,

> The initial situation:
> A customer offers articles which have multiple attributes.
> For example a t-shirt is available in several sizes (S, M, L and XL) and 
> several colors (red, green, blue, yellow).
> These variations should be build by a product. In this example we result in 
> 16 articles. These articles though have the same price.
> But there are also articles where different attributes have different 
> prices.
> For example a t-shirt with the imprint A has the same price as a t-shirt 
> withou an imprint but the t-shirt with the imprint B is 5 euro more 
> expensive.
> (This is only a small example, the customer has products where hundrets even 
> up to one thousand articles will be build.)

I had a similar situation where I needed "virtual" articles - which 
means that my customer provided products with multiple attribute 
selectors (2 and 3 in my case) which can be combined - but all cost the 
same (they even had the same article number). In a regular commerce 
installation there would have been one article for every possible 
combination, which would have lead to hundreds and thousands of 
additional articles that would have had to be maintained and also 
created in the management software of my customer. That was way too much 
workload, so I changed the core of commerce that way, that it is able to 
store the same article several times in the basket, but with different 

I already posted these changed to bugtracker [1] and provided a patch. 
Maybe these changes will also help you. After applying the patch I 
should be possible to implement your other needed features with hooks - 
but I'm not entirely sure. They at least sound interresting.

[1] http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=6289


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