[TYPO3-commerce] How-To: multiple images

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Mon Oct 29 17:57:48 CET 2007


> Do I only need the code from your mail? Or also something from the mails 
> from Dmitry?
> When I use only yours, it doesn't work here...

The stuff from my posting is enough, but won't work if you don't copy 
the configuration from lib.tx_commerce to the places in pi1 where you 
want to apply them. So you should also add the following line to apply 
the image settings to the listView (or wherever you want to apply them):

plugin.tx_commerce_pi1 {
	listView.products.fields {
		teaserimages < lib.tx_commerce.products.fields.teaserimages
		images < lib.tx_commerce.products.fields.images

	# or to singleView
	singleView.products.fields {
		images < lib.tx_commerce.products.fields.images

That has to be done due to a annoying limitation in TS, that it can't 
use referenced TS everywhere.


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