[TYPO3-commerce] listView.products.fields.images.file.maxW =

Michiel Roos michiel at netcreators.com
Tue Oct 23 12:01:40 CEST 2007

Hi Sebastian,

Would you mind testing something for me?

Navigate to the page that displays the product listing, create an 
extension template and enter the following into the setup field:

lib.tx_commerce.products.fields.teaserimages.file.maxW = 200

I expect the image to be scaled down to a width of 200px.

This does not happen however.

It all works fine if I enter 200 in the setup/static.txt

But I would like to override the default setting via TS, which appears 
to be broken (at least in my setup).

I'm filing a bug about the 'file' part being omitted in the svn/trunk 
version of commerce. It appears that it is needed. Might be a good time 
to cleal up the setup.txt file (fix the indenting).

Kind regards,

Michiel Roos

Netcreators BV :: creation and innovation

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