[TYPO3-commerce] Different Artikels to one Product / Categorie

Marcel Alburg alb at weeaar.com
Tue May 22 16:37:23 CEST 2007


first, i want to introduce myself: i'm 25 years old, living in berlin.
Develop typo3 extension and create typo3 projects for customers.


in the last days, i looking for a commerce extension and found "commerce".

I play a litte bit with this extension and take a look in the podcast.

but now, i've a litte problem.

i create a category with one Produkt and add 3 artikels to this product
(Base, Modul 1 and Modul 2) - works fine.

But if i order all 3 articles and go to my basket, i yust see the name
of the Product - 3 times.

How it is possible to display the name of the articles  in the basket ?

the second one is: is is possible to make a product with is depending at
a other product (you shoulb by this one and after that, you can by the
other one (i.e. buy a car an you can buy for this car this wires)).

Thanks in advance


P.s.: it's a great extensions - but the manual is a litte light :)

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