[TYPO3-calendar] Customizing Templates

Wolfertz, Sebastian S.Wolfertz at streit-online.de
Wed Jun 7 16:04:07 CEST 2017

Hey list!

New Question: I want to customize templates. Why does the extension provide a way to link to your individual template files through the constants, but does not use those files when called from a template?

This is in my constants:

plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.month.monthMiniTemplate = EXT:streit_tmpl_schoenberg/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/Calendar/monthMini.tmpl
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.month.monthSmallTemplate = EXT:streit_tmpl_schoenberg/Resources/Private/Templates/Content/Calendar/month_small.tmpl

This is my monthMini.tmpl

<!--This is the main template for the miniMonth view-->

==Test Mini==

<div class="view-header">




And this is the beginning of my month_small.tmpl


<!-- ###MONTH_TEMPLATE### start -->

==Test Small==

<table class="month month-small">


The ==Test Mini== Text does indeed appear on my page.
But the ==Test Small== does not... I believe the month_small.tmpl that is used is the original file from the extension and not the one I told it to use in the constants.

Any idea on how to fix that?

Thanks for your time.


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