[TYPO3-calendar] Google Cal import and line breaks

Mario Matzulla mario at matzullas.de
Sat Mar 23 12:07:52 CET 2013

Hi Aeryn,

Am 23.03.13 10:29, schrieb aeryn:
>> If you have the events inside a folder, you need to configure the
>> "options.tx_cal_controller.pageIDForPlugin". Please have a look at the
>> manual for more details on this.
> Thank you for pointing me in that direction. I have found this in the
> documentation, but I'm afraid I don't really understand it:
> http://typo3.org/extension-manuals/cal/1.4.3/view/9/5/
> What is meant by "its pageTS"? The TS of the Sysfolder or of the page(s)
> where my calendar is used? I have two pages for displaying my calendar
> in Typo3, one for a list view and one for a month/week/etc view.

The problem of sysfolders is, that the typoscript is not available 
there. But we need it for different things. So each sysfolder containing 
events and calendars needs to point to a "normal" page, which has access 
to the plugin.tx_cal_controller typoscript.
It really doesn't matter, which "normal" page you choose :)


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