[TYPO3-calendar] yearview and title for allday events

Ryan Kristensen ryankristensen at hotmail.invalid
Thu Jan 12 11:00:11 CET 2012


I have a problem with the year view. It doesn’t seem to print the title 
for the allday events. Regular event with start and end time works fine.

In a default installation (1.4.2 with Typo3 4.5.10) this is the 
year-view output for one day with an allday event:

<td class="day weekday3 withEventDay monthOff"><span><a 
title="Day View" class="url">1</a> <span class="popup"><ul> 

And this is the output for a regular event:

<td class="day weekday4 withEventDay monthOff"><span><a 
title="Day View" class="url">2</a> <span class="popup"><ul>

An example can be found here:
the 1st of february is an allday event.

How do I make it write the title (<li>###TITLE###</li>) for allday 
events in year-view?


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