[TYPO3-calendar] Current status of cal extension

Nicolas de Haen typo3 at ndh-websolutions.de
Mon Sep 26 17:15:47 CEST 2011

Hi list,

I have several questions regarding the cal extension. I spent something 
like 2 days now in configuring and debugging the cal extension for a 
medium size project and have some general question:

Can someone (Mario?) please tell me, what's the current status of that 
extension and the development.
It is marked as stable but when I dig into the sources I find a lot of 
issues, like uninitialized (or unused) variables, parameters for methods 
that were not declared before, TODOs or comments like "I don't know why 
this is here..." etc.

Here some examples:
  WHen I tried to invoke the scheduler I got a SQL error.
UPDATE tx_cal_calendar SET 
tstamp='1317047396',md5='d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' WHERE uid=

obviously the uid is missing.

When digging into the scheduler code I find this:

but $this->uid is not set, since there are no fields defined in 

So I wonder, how this could ever work?

In the icalender service there is something like:
(Line 115 tx_cal_icalendar_service)
/* Create events belonging to the specified calendar */
/* @todo	Where do other arguments come from? */
$this->insertCalEventsIntoDB($iCalendar, $calendar_id, $pid, $cruser_id);

In many classes there are undeclared parameters
as an example: tx_cal_listview

Line 81 $this->_init($master_array); // $master_array is not declared
Line 156 if($lastEventDate) // which is not declared before
Line 286 $hookObj->preInnerEventWrapper($this, $middle,... // $middle is 
not declared before
Line 690 $this->local_cObj->setCurrentVal($sectionMenu); // $sectionMenu 
is not declared before

I also compared the TER version and the svn trunk version. Same issues...

this doesn't look like stable code to me.

Maybe all that stuff is coming from phpical and is not yet migrated 
properly into the extension, but in my opinion it should be marked as 
beta then.

Not to mention, that the code is far from TYPO3 CGL...

So to come to an end:
Can you recommend to use this extension in real projects?
Is it maintainable and extendable?
Does it make sense, to write patches for all these issues?

Sorry for the long mail, I didn't want to nag and I know that OpenSource 
is done by volunteers with few time, but I have to know, if I can rely 
on this extension in my project


PS: I saw a 1.5, 1.6, 2.0 target version in the issue tracker. But the 
roadmap has no dates, maybe because it just was imported to forge?

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