[TYPO3-calendar] Error: Setting up the indexer

Marc Wöhlken woehlken at quadracom.de
Sun May 1 19:17:31 CEST 2011

Hello Thomas!
Am 29.04.2011 21:33, schrieb Thomas Kowtsch:
> Could you please replace the debug() call by
>     Throw New Exception ("debugging cal", 47110815 );
> This should give you a complete and detailed backtrace - pls. send this
> to me by email.
I have sent you the trace result via mail but want to post it here, too. [1]

> In addition, could you please post how your TS-template looks like for
> plugin.tx_cal_controller.date_stdWrap

That's all:
plugin.tx_cal_controller.date_stdWrap.csConv = iso-8859-1

>> What really surprises me is the fact that $GLOBALS['TSFE'] is used
>> within a backend module. AFAIK TSFE is only available in frontend
>> context?!
> That's part of cal's voodoo ;-) The implementation of things like
> reminders and notification needs to have TSFE parts, that's why a faked
> TSFE is created.

O.K., didn't know the web empowered church relies on vodoo ;-)

Regards Marc

[1] Trace result:
Uncaught TYPO3 Exception
#47110815: debugging cal

Exception thrown in file
in line 2413.

9 tslib_cObj::stdWrap_csConv("14", array)


02050:        $content,
02051:        $singleConf

02052:       );

02053:      }
02054:     }

8 tslib_cObj::stdWrap("14", array)


00517:   // only apply if actually configured
00518:   if(is_array($this->conf['date_stdWrap.']) &&
count($this->conf['date_stdWrap.']) && $value!='' &&
is_object($this->cObj) && is_object($GLOBALS['TSFE'])) {

00519:    $value =

00520:   }
00521:   return $value;

7 tx_cal_date::applyStdWrap("14")


00451:             }
00452:         }

00453:         return $this->applyStdWrap($output);

00455:     }

6 tx_cal_date::format("%H")


01435:     $bymonth = $event->getByMonth();
01436:     $byday = $event->getByDay();

01437:     $hour = $eventStart->format('%H');

01438:     $minute = $eventStart->format('%M');
01439:     // 2007, 2008...

5 tx_cal_event_service::recurringEvent(tx_cal_phpicalendar_model)


00112:     while ($row = $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_fetch_assoc($results)){
00113:      $event = $eventService->createEvent($row, false);

00114:      $eventService->recurringEvent($event);

00115:     }
00116:     $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->sql_free_result($results);

4 tx_cal_recurrence_generator::generateIndex(0)


00186:       $rgc->pageIDForPlugin = $pluginPage;
00187:       $this->content.=$this->doc->section('PID

00188:       $rgc->generateIndex($eventPage);

00190:      }

3 tx_cal_recurrence_generator_module1::moduleContent()


00125:    // Render content:

00126:    $this->moduleContent();


2 tx_cal_recurrence_generator_module1::main()


00247: foreach($SOBE->include_once as $INC_FILE) include_once($INC_FILE);

00249: $SOBE->main();

00250: $SOBE->printContent();
00251: ?>

1 require("/var/www/kunden/typo3/typo3conf/ext/cal/mod1/index.php")


00049:  require($temp_path . 'conf.php');
00050:  $BACK_PATH = '';

00051:  require($temp_path . 'index.php');

00052:  $isDispatched = TRUE;
00053: } else {

Marc Wöhlken                     TYPO3 certified integrator

Quadracom - Proffe & Wöhlken

Rembertistraße 32              WWW: http://www.quadracom.de
D-28203 Bremen                E-Mail: woehlken at quadracom.de
______________             PGP-Key: http://pgp.quadracom.de

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