[TYPO3-calendar] Problem with big cache_pages

Thomas Kowtsch thomas at kowtsch.de
Sat Apr 9 21:09:33 CEST 2011

Hi Markus,

On 09.04.2011 07:35, Markus wrote:
> Am 03.04.2011 20:53, schrieb Thomas Kowtsch:
>> Most likely it is related to the current implementation of the backLink.
> You mean the backLink from a single view of an event to the previous
> page? Or the links for next month and previous month?

The backLink to return to the previous view, in most cases for event 
view -> back to month view.

> What is the reason of this very big size of the cach_pages table? It is
> a challange to reach 3GB with only some text in it, isn't it?

No, not really.  The problem comes from caching: You have a page with a 
month view, any search engine comes around and finds it without any 
cHash in the URL.
Then, it tries to iterate over the links
- Day 1: link to event1&cHash=111
	- backLink to monthView with cHash=x01
- Day 2: link to event2&cHash=222
	- backLink to monthView with cHash=x01

But, when crawling the event view, there is a link to a "new" page, it 
has a new parameter (cHash). So, after visiting event1, the search 
engine will start once again on the month view. But now, the events also 
have different cHashes, and the story starts again. And every hit gets 
cached in the database.

> How you other guys have solved this problem? Do we really using cal so
> abnormally, that we run into such performance problems?

Having a big iron in the background, you won't have a performance issue 
here ;-) Anyway, the javascript thing works, but it's not perfect in 
terms of accessibility and delivering something that works on "all" 
Several mobile phones have a browser that "clean" web pages, by sending 
them trough a proxy that also tries to remove javascript. Yes, it helps 
a lot to save bandwith, but the page will be proken in that case. Even 
some phone providers do so, which leads to the problem that you don't 
have the chance to have a workaround...

> Would it be solution to deactivate the next/prev. month link in the
> month view after e.g. 5 months in the future?

It won't fix the root cause, but it will decrease crawling depth.



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