[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Wed Feb 10 00:18:39 CET 2010

> got the point. Of course we won't add stdWrap to stdWrap :)

But we should add stdWrap as an option to stdWrap functions to give
Integrators the possibilities of having "chained" TypoScript like shown in
the examples I send with my other posts.

> eg TEXT is a special case because it has only property "value" and
> stdWrap to top level.
> Technically i would use an array for each object with the existing
> properties and look for stdWrap of these.
> We should define "Top level". Lets say
> OBJECT [object level]
> OBJECT.property [top level]
> The "object level" should only contain properties and one special one:
> stdWrap
> Any property in "top level" has stdWrap possibility using "property."
> Exception: property is array of sub-properties. Then next level is
> used.

Sounds reasonable, since any third, fourth or higher level would be a
stdWrap function anyway. So if we apply stdWrap to stdWrap functions, then
chained TS would be not just possible, but consistent and easily to
understand as well.

I'm really looking forward to this


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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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