[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer

Tyler Kraft tyler.kraft at netefficiency.co.uk
Tue Feb 9 22:01:24 CET 2010


> got the point. Of course we won't add stdWrap to stdWrap :)

But why limit it? ;-)

> eg TEXT is a special case because it has only property "value" and 
> stdWrap to top level.
> Technically i would use an array for each object with the existing 
> properties and look for stdWrap of these.
> We should define "Top level". Lets say
> OBJECT [object level]
> OBJECT.property [top level]
> The "object level" should only contain properties and one special one: 
> stdWrap

But not so that we have to put OBJECT.stdWrap, as this is a bit 
unsightly IMO, and it really doesn't serve a purpose, does it?

Also as we've already discussed and I've mentioned if we apply stdWrap 
as a default property to OBJECT then any existing TS that uses "wrap" or 
"if" will still work, but in a slightly mixed up order. Hence I think we 
still would benefit from a final additional wrap to stdWrap.

> Any property in "top level" has stdWrap possibility using "property."
> Exception: property is array of sub-properties. Then next level is used.

So if I read it correct, CONTENT.select doesn't have stdWrap itself, but 
CONTENT.select.max does? That makes sense to me.

> What do you think?

If I read it right then that makes the most sense to me :-)

It would greatly extend the TS capabilities, make TSref easier to read 
for newbies and make TS easier for newbies.

Just my 2cents

Good night all

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