[TYPO3-4-3] Revival of taskcenter & sys_actions

Georg Ringer mail at ringerge.org
Mon Feb 1 19:33:57 CET 2010

Am 01.02.2010 19:19, schrieb Patrick Gaumond:
> Even with the old Task Center (TC), there's a lot of screen real estate
> lost by the left frame inside TC (About, Action,Quick notes).

For me that isn't really a problem because screens get wider.

> Maybe TC should become a "real" module, taking place in the left frame
> between User tools and Admin tools. If not maybe horizontal tabs ?

Problem with another top module would be that it's items are not as
flexible as it can be within the main function of a custom module.

Horziontal tabs: Let's see what the HCI team says. I guess it should
also be not a problem to make both as it is just CSS and divs. no tables
and so on.

> And talking about the left TC menu, it should also be hide-able like the
>  pagetree so we can regain the space.

The only problem I see is that there is no navigation possible anymore,
You would need to open and close it all the time. But again: HCI desides.

> May I also suggest (from the actual screenshots) to put the About item
> last? This will never be click so put priorities to Action or Recent
> pages as first item.

Currently it is the first because the ext is installed as first one.
Maybe we do a custom sorting so that every user can sort how he/she
needs it.

> Another question: Since actions are now visible in the top right menu,
> do you think we could/should hide the TC left menu once we select an
> action ?

I would prefer to keep the menu all the time because of 2 reasons:
* it doesn't take too much space
* there is already too much "click A, option B appears and A disappears
in the backend". An editor should always know where he is and what he is

> "Recent page", I got few ideas for this one. My question is can we
> already work on that one with current 4.3 way to do it or your new
> version will need some rewrite ?

The current one doesn't work and I didn't have yet the time to get into
the sys_log magic which is used inside the extension to get the recent
pages. I just did the code which places the extension into the
taskcenter (again). I would be happy if you want to take over that task

> Also, out of curiosity, did you use Core ExtJS for the accordion? If I
> recall, your TER extensions usually use Mootools.

I used prototype for it as I don't know any ExtJS. I also don't know if
know all new things are done in ExtJS but again: If someone wants to do
it. Great ;)

> I do think TC is a great place to enhance UX.

absolutly. And IMO it should be really made editor-friendly


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