[TYPO3-4-3] Revival of taskcenter & sys_actions

Patrick Gaumond gaumondpatrick-n0-spam- at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 1 19:19:35 CET 2010

Georg Ringer wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I am rewriting the sys extensions taskcenter & sys_actions because the
> current ones are ugly, not usable and really old.

Thanks for that !

> * UserTsConfig can be used to hide tasks for users / usergroups.


Here are some quick comments of what I can see:

Even with the old Task Center (TC), there's a lot of screen real estate 
lost by the left frame inside TC (About, Action,Quick notes).

Maybe TC should become a "real" module, taking place in the left frame 
between User tools and Admin tools. If not maybe horizontal tabs ?

And talking about the left TC menu, it should also be hide-able like the 
  pagetree so we can regain the space.

May I also suggest (from the actual screenshots) to put the About item 
last? This will never be click so put priorities to Action or Recent 
pages as first item.

Another question: Since actions are now visible in the top right menu, 
do you think we could/should hide the TC left menu once we select an 
action ?

> ==== ToDos ====
> * Implement some missing features like sorting tasks


> * Rewrite all other extensions (if they are worth it) which are based on
> the taskcenter

"Recent page", I got few ideas for this one. My question is can we 
already work on that one with current 4.3 way to do it or your new 
version will need some rewrite ?

Also, out of curiosity, did you use Core ExtJS for the accordion? If I 
recall, your TER extensions usually use Mootools.

Thanks for all your efforts. I do think TC is a great place to enhance UX.


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